Changing default Wordpress email address to custom email address

Deafult Wordpress email address to Custom email address

In order to change the default wordpress email address to custom email address, we need to do a little tweaking in functions.php

Open functions.php file from your default theme folder

There at the bottom of the file, add the below code after customizing the email address and name to your default one

// Function to change email address

function wpb_sender_email( $original_email_address ) {
    return 'amk@localhost';

// Function to change sender name
function wpb_sender_name( $original_email_from ) {
	return 'AMK';

// Hooking up our functions to WordPress filters 
add_filter( 'wp_mail_from', 'wpb_sender_email' );
add_filter( 'wp_mail_from_name', 'wpb_sender_name' );

This shall make your custom name and email address as the default Wordpress name and email address

email address,wordpress